Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Summer Fun with Friends in Mississippi

One of the main reasons we decided to travel home during the Summer of '24 was our boy's strong desire to spend time with their Mississippi friends.  They have a core group of friends from our home church that they just love. Every time they get together it is like no time has passed since they last saw each other.  Those type of friendships are special.

Making two vacation trips home during one three year term is not something we normally do because of the expense.  But, as our boys progress through the teen years, it might be something we consider doing going forward at least until they graduate.  It has definitely helped them feel better connected to our family, their friends, our home church, and Mississippi.

The second day we were home they headed off to a water park for the day.

Having fun at the Grand Paradise Water Park in Collins, MS.
We spent numerous days at the Sojourner's lake. 
Here are Cash, Cruz, and Jett.

Jett and Cruz
a video highlighting our days at the lake
They also enjoyed hanging out with Jude at 6 Mile camp.


They spent a day at a trampoline park.
Cruz and Jett
These two are more like brothers.  They were born on the same day and year.
Sweet friends!!
A collage from a few years ago. 

Ben, Jett, Cruz, Jude, and Cash
A photo from 2019 when they all came down to Guatemala with their families on a mission trip.
These next videos are from the zip line with Jude at 6 Mile camp. 
Overall, they spent as many days together as possible.  There were also many sleepovers.  They enjoyed video games and movie nights.  They also loved getting to attend several Monday Night Live events.  This is a county wide youth activity that our home association does every Monday night of the summer.  It's like a weekly youth rally that a different church hosts each week.  They have games, worship, and a meal together.  This has been going on for more than thirty years now.  We took kids every week when we did student ministry prior to moving to Guatemala.  It is a Copiah county tradition that I am glad our boys were able to be a part of.
A group photo on our last night in the U.S.  This was taken after Wednesday night prayer meeting/ youth group. I am glad we got to end our time there with church friends.  
The countdown to Summer 2025 has begun.  We will be starting our Stateside Assignment in late-June.  We cannot wait for another summer in the South!!

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