Monday, August 12, 2024

Clark Creek Natural Area

Just a few days after we arrived home in Mississippi, we took a day trip with David's sister and kids to Woodville, MS.  We visited Clark Creek Natural Area.  It was intensely hot that day, but we had a wonderful time.  It was great to be outdoors with the fresh air and sunshine.  

It was our first time to visit this place.  We hope to return again someday, but maybe during a cooler time of the year.

David and the boys ready for a day of hiking.

a group photo
We are thankful to have had this day with family.  It was special.


looking over the map to see which way we needed to go

The first waterfall we saw.


For kids who like to climb and explore, it was a perfect place to spend the day.

You could stay on the trail or walk along the creek.  We chose the creek.

Waterfall #2

We packed a picnic lunch and stopped here to eat.  Afterwards, we spent some time playing in the water.

Our family enjoying the outing.
There was a snow cone truck set up in the parking area.  We noticed it as we walked out of the park. What a refreshing sight to see!  We all enjoyed one before making the drive back home.  It was a wonderful way to cool off on a hot, humid day! 
a video of our day

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