Friday, August 9, 2024

Traveling Home to the U.S. for Summer Vacation June 2024

On June 19, we flew to the U.S. for a month long vacation. The boys were most excited about shopping, eating Tex-Mex and Chick-fil-A, and seeing their friends.

Waiting on our taxi to pick us up from our mission house in Guatemala City.

headed to the airport for our afternoon flight

ready to board

Our first meal when flying to the States is ALWAYS Chick-fil-A in the airport.  

We landed in Jackson, MS around 11:30 pm and were greeted by our best friends, the Browns.

What a fun "welcome home" that was!!!
We picked up our Macedonia Call Foundation of Mississippi rental vehicle and then headed to Crystal Springs.   We were all ready for a good nights sleep.

I will share all about our time in the States in my next several posts.

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