Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Camp Guamiski 2024

Camp Guamiski is an annual summer camp for all missionary kids whose parents serve full time in Guatemala.  Guamiski stands for Gua (Guatemala) mis (missionary) ki (kids).  It is one of our boy's most favorite weeks of the year!!  A team from Living Hope Church in College Station, TX has been coming for the past several years to lead the camp.  They do a fantastic job working with the MK's. Here are some highlight photos from this summer's camp.

Loading up and heading out to camp.
This year's theme was Reflect.

Team Black
Ben's Team

Team Blue
Cruz's Team
They played a lot of games.


They had daily dress up theme days.  Here are the boys on sports day representing Mississippi.

evening campfire 

Bible study

closing program for the parents
Cruz's team

Ben's team

Camp Guamiski 2024

Here is a video showing some of the fun they had. 

They are already looking forward to Guamiski 2025!!!

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