Wednesday, August 7, 2024

David's Trip to London

Back in mid-June David and our teammate Mark made a trip to the London area to attend a Digital Engagement training. Digital Engagement is a tool that IMB missionaries are using to help advance the Gospel in their countries of service.  Here is an IMB article to explains more about it: Digital Engagement Paves Way for Church Planting.

I took this screenshot on my phone to show the distance between us.
Their days were spent in a classroom.  They had one afternoon off for free time and exploring.  David and Mark took the train into London to do some sightseeing. Below are some random photos he took.

Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace gates

Queen Victoria Memorial
Thames River

The London Eye

David riding the London Eye

The London Eye

Westminster Abbey

Big Ben
Big Ben

Westminster Palace

A video highlight of his time in London.
He and Mark will now begin implementing the Digital Engagement strategies here in Guatemala.  Pray that it would open doors for gospel conversations and new believers.

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