Monday, August 5, 2024

August 2024 Newsletter


Summer Break

Today officially ends our summer break as we start back to school this morning.  We are beginning our tenth year of homeschool.  Cruz will be in 9th grade and Ben will be in 7th.  Pray that our year gets off to a fantastic start.

With that being said, we are wrapping up a summer break filled with travel.  We began with a work trip to Brazil back in mid-May.  The boys attended a local week long summer camp for Guatemala missionary kids.  David traveled to London to a Digital Engagement training.  We spent a month in the U.S. visiting family and friends.  We spent a week in Mexico attending a marriage conference and training with other IMB missionaries.  We ended the month hosting our supervisor and his family and showing them around Guatemala.  The summer was busy but most definitely fun filled!

The boys on Sports Day at summer camp

David in London

Our family celebrating Independence Day in Mississippi.

Traveling to Mexico

Hosting the Epps family in Guatemala.

the Whites, the Stones, the Englishes, and the Robertsons

Team Guatemala
A highlight of our time in Mexico was having our Guatemala IMB Team all together for the first time.  It was great to sit around the table and fellowship in person.

The Englishes will finish language school in a few more weeks and make their official move to Guatemala in mid-September. 

Pray for them as they finalize things in Mexico and prepare to move.  Pray for us as we look for housing and make arrangements to receive them.

We are thankful for the team that God has put together to serve here in Guatemala. In addition to the adults, we will have a total of nine IMB missionary kids with ages ranging from seven months to fourteen years old.

Celebrating Lauren
We had an End of Term celebration meal for our Journeyman Lauren.  Her term of service with the IMB ended in late July. Pray for her and her future plans.  
Lauren with the MK's.

Coming Up
We are currently working to finalize plans to host a volunteer team from The Church at LifePark in Mount Pleasant, SC.  They will arrive at the end of the month and will be doing a medical clinic in a local town. 

Pray for all the details and logistics to come together. Pray for their hearts as they prepare to come and serve and pray for the hearts of the people that they will be ministering to and sharing the gospel with.

The Great Pursuit
Watch this video to learn more about The Great Pursuit and pray about what part you can play in it.

As you watch, look for David at 0:31 and Regina at 1:32.


Your prayers are powerful.

Join us in the greatest work. We want to connect you with specific needs as you pray.

Visit for current prayer requests from your missionaries.

Order your free copy of the Loving the Lost prayer guide.

Did You Know?
Guatemala has thirty-seven volcanoes.  Only three of them are active.  We can see three volcanoes from our house in Antigua- Agua, Fuego, and Acatenango. Here is a beautiful sunset view of Agua volcano from our patio.

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