We finished up another fun month of learning yesterday. Here is a look at what we did during the month of January.
This semester I added this book to our morning Bible time. Each week we will learn about a new missionary. So far we have enjoyed stories about Gladys Aylward and William and Catherine Booth.
Math keeps us extra busy. We do a lesson in the mornings and then both boys have math homework every day. Here is Ben working a multiplication sheet.
We like using Wrap Ups for reviewing math facts.
We also use online drills from Math U See and XtraMath.
Writing a book report.
He began the semester reading Tornado.
Doing a reading presentation.
He read Meet George Washington. After each chapter I had him write a few facts that he liked. We combined them into a small booklet and attached them to a poster.
He used it to give us an oral report on all that he had learned.
Cruz doing a reading assignment in his BJU 5 reading book.
He also read Number the Stars and did a book report on it.
One morning as I was cooking breakfast I peeked into the living room to find them both reading on their own before school. It made me smile.Cruz doing a lesson in Fix It! Grammar
In History we learned all about the Civil War. It was a great study! Here is Cruz doing an art project after a lesson one day.
We finished our study with a fun Civil War themed recipe called Idiot's Delight. The boys loved the name.
We spent the month learning about the Nervous System in Science. Here is Cruz using modeling clay to make a model of the brain.
The cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem.
We also used modeling clay to make a model of a neuron.
A notebook activity to label the parts of the brain and neuron.
I have changed out our focus wall decorations and come Monday we will be ready for a new month of learning.
Have I mentioned lately how much I love homeschooling? It brings me a lot of joy.
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