Thursday, November 1, 2018

November 2018 Newsletter

We are beginning to wrap things up here in our current work area.  We continued with our monthly Bible studies throughout the month of October.  We had our final teaching times this week.  We are sad to leave but we know that our groups are in good hands.  Each location has leaders in place to continue on in our absence.  Pray for these leaders in the months ahead.  Pray for the groups to stay strong, united, and focused on the task of growing in their faith and reaching their communities with the Gospel.  We have plans to return on a regular basis to visit, encourage, and worship with them. 
We have a few more commitments left here before we make our upcoming move.  The Nearar group will be having their yearly anniversary celebration this coming weekend.  There will be services on Saturday and Sunday night (November 3-4).  We plan to attend and this will finish out our time there.  Pray for these services and for the gospel presentation that will be shared each night.  We are anticipating many from the village and surrounding areas to come.  Begin praying now for the hearts of those who need to know the Lord.
Next Tuesday (November 6) we will be attending a wedding service for two of our members in Nearar.  Pray for Yolanda and Odilio as they wed and begin their lives together.  Yolanda is Rafael's sister.  She is very faithful each week.  Odilio joined us several months ago.  He is from another village.  He is very talented in music and has stepped up to lead our worship times each week.  We look forward to see how God is going to use them as a married couple.
Our move date is quickly approaching.  We had to move it up a little to accommodate our movers.  If all goes as planned they will arrive on Friday, November 9 to help finalize our packing and begin loading our things.  We will leave out early on Saturday morning, November 10, making our way towards Antigua.

Pray for a smooth move and transition.
This area has been our home for the past seven years.  We have loved living and serving here.  We have made a lot of great memories here not only in ministry but also for our family.  We are excited about the transition but at the same time the sadness of leaving tends to take the joy out of it most days.  Pray for us during this time.  Our hearts are sad but we know that God has good things in store for the future. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear things are going smoothly and you are finishing up where you are. I cannot wait to hear how the Lord uses you in the new location. Safe travels and hugs to your family! Thank you for spreading the word of the Lord!


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