Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Week 35

He seems to be doing well.  His movements are much stronger than before and I love watching him make my whole belly jiggle when he moves.  By this week he should weigh around 5.5 pounds.  I love talking to him and rubbing my belly trying to imagine what position he is in.  I can't ever seem to get much relief in my right ribs and that will be the only thing I won't miss about this pregnancy.   We have an appointment with his pediatrician next Monday and another check-up for me next Wednesday.  We will have an ultrasound on that day.  We can't wait to get another glimpse of him! 
I have definitely hit the tired stage.  My energy level has gone down greatly since last week.  I have started having more swelling in my hands and feet as well.  I think a lot of that has to do with the warm days we have been having.  I try to take at least a short walk everyday and that makes me feel better.  I am starting to feel puffy all over and I definitely waddle now when I walk.  In spite of all of this, I am still loving being pregnant!  What a joy it is to be carrying a child!  There is no greater blessing and I am soo happy to have had this opportunity.  We can't believe how close it is until his arrival.  We can't wait to finally meet him!  Please keep us all in your prayers.  We appreciate it. 


  1. My friend was bedridden for the last two months when she was pregnant.

    I just came from SITS to say hi.

  2. I think you're doing great! And you look beautiful! So excited for you guys!!!!! :)

  3. Ok, so I don't know how to post a comment with ID, but was able to get one to post under me too.
    I'd written a bunch more stuff that went into cyber world somewhere.
    Just wanted to say...I am so proud of y'all for all that you're doing. Glad to hear that the 3 of you are doing well.
    Thank you for sharing. Thank you for the gifts your son will bring to those who know him because he will be a gift because I know you will raise him to know that he is a gift from God, so that he will in turn live a life that reflects this.
    Thank you for another warrior of God. I know that he will be a soldier of God as he will be raised to know that we are to spread the word of God and Jesus and to protect the sacredness of this. I am so glad that we are afforded the opportunity to strengthen our children with the knowledge that they have God and Jesus with them everywhere. I feel safer in a world filled with soldiers of Christ. Thank you for helping with this mission not just with your own son, but the world over.
    We all need to realize that this is the charge of all Christian soldiers, not just the job of the preacher on Sunday morning to the Christians who show up for service, but to all those who haven't yet heard the Word or to those who've heard, but not listened with their hearts, to those who once heard, but are now deaf in spirit. This is the job of all Christians and we all need to make the movement felt. Thank you, for doing your job well. The 2 of you truly are inspirational.
    I hope that more Christians will be inspired to do their duties and that new Christians will fall into easy paths of pursuing this same end.
    Thank you, God bless, and know that you are heartfelt prayed for daily...Heartfelt meaning more than going through the motions and saying some words.
    My challenge to people that may read this is to get out and do your job for God. We've already been paid with our promised seat in heaven through the blood of Jesus. And, by all means say what you mean and mean what you say when you say you're going to pray for someone or something and always remember that you're speaking to the Father and He needs no eliquent speeches for He knows the hearts of his soldiers.
    With Love,
    Your Sister in Christ,
    Katie Wonch Emory


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