Tuesday, August 9, 2016

1st Day of School 2016 (1st grade and K4)

We kicked off our new school year last week.  Cruz is in First grade and Ben is in K4.  I was very excited about starting back.  I enjoyed my break but I did find myself missing school.  I am glad to be getting back into a normal routine again and getting some structure back in our lives.  It helps me stay sane, ha.

The boys were quite excited too and so far they are enjoying it.  They actually grumbled a little because we didn't do school over the weekend.  Cruz said he was not ready for a break yet.  That boy is a mess!

Our first day of school was more of an ice breaker to get us back going.  We had a fun celebration morning.  We took pictures and did all of our first day of school questionnaires and sheets.  We also did a little review before starting strong the next day.   Here is a look at our first day back-

our kitchen decorated for the first day of school

Pancakes are our celebration breakfast meal.  Always.
Ben's breakfast

Cruz's breakfast

Photos of the boys on their first day of school-

A few with their teacher-

I had made a school memories booklet for Cruz last year in K5 using a template I found on a blog I follow 123 Homeschool 4 Me.  It is such a fun idea and I decided to do it again this year for both boys.  The pages are really cute and make a great keepsake. 

I lack adding their pictures to the cover sheets.

Cruz's first day of school questionnaire

I am doing the monthly name writing again this year. 

Writing the alphabet on the first day of school.  We will do a comparison at Christmas break and the last day of school.  We will do the same with numbers.

Cruz's first day of school drawing.  He drew our living room.  The orange is our rug.  The brown is our couch.  I do not know why he gave us rainbow cushions.  The black is the window above our couch.  It was a random thing to pick but his choice. 

Ben's cover page

Ben's first day of school questionnaire 

Ben's drawing.  He said it was himself with fire hair.  They call spiked hair "fire hair".    I think it looked more like me at the end of the day. ha

Cruz's first day of first grade

Ben's first day of K4

We spent the afternoon in the village doing Bible study.  It was rainy, muddy, and very messy.   The boys loved it!  It was a fun outing on our first day of school.

Last year we ate lunch at Taco Bell for Cruz's first day of K5.  This year we ate there for supper.  It looks like we are starting a Taco Bell tradition for the first day of school.

I'm excited about the school year ahead.  I look forward to the things we will learn, the fun we will have, and the memories that we will make.  Not much brings me more joy than having this time with my boys.  I will treasure these years forever!

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