Thursday, August 14, 2008

We're home (but only temporarily)

For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. 2Corinthians 2:15
We are just getting in and unpacking all of the left over supplies, washing clothes, and starting to repack. We dropped the team off at the hotel and will join them again soon for dinner.

They will go and visit the local hospital in Coban before we eat. I am not so sure that is a good idea. haha

We have had an awesome week and I can't wait to post photos and tell you all about it. There are so many pictures that I am not sure where to start.

When we returned to our apartment and opened the door we were greeted with a not so pleasant odor. I was determined before anything else was done that David find the source and dispose of it. We were sure it was a mouse. He sniffed and searched all over the apartment. He finally started pulling out appliances from the cabinet and guess what he saw??????

It was dead and yucky!!!!! He removed it and sprayed and cleaned real good with lysol. The smell is starting to go away. So now, between that and the visit to the hospital I am not so sure we will want the fish that we ordered everyone for dinner. haha

We leave out again tomorrow morning heading back to Guatemala City. The team flies out on Saturday. We hope that the internet service will be working there so that we can post more about the week and photos. If so we will, and if not we will do it when we return to Coban on Sunday. Thanks for your prayers for us this week!!! Please continue to pray for our trip to and from the city. More info to come.......................

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