Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Visiting Chiquimula March 2025

We spent seven years living and working in the Department of Chiquimula.  The years were long, hot, and HARD.  But, because of God's goodness and faithfulness, we saw fruit from our labor.  What a blessing it is for us to be able to return and see that fruit continuing to grow.

This past weekend we made a visit back to the area to check on the work and visit some of our favorite people.

We left after school on Friday.  We stopped for lunch at McDonald's on the other side of Guatemala City.  It is a tradition for us to eat there when traveling back to Chiquimula. We rarely eat McDonald's in the U.S. but here we enjoy it.
Shortly after leaving the city, we encountered a delay. A truck carrying cement bags overturned in a curve causing quite a mess in the highway.  The delay caused a normal five hour trip to turn into a seven hour trip. This was our view as we sat still for an hour and a half waiting for it to get cleaned up so we could pass through.

The truck had completely flipped upside down.  By the time we passed by, the wrecker had turned it back over.
Cement dust was everywhere!  These poor guys were working hard to clean it up.  Someone texted me that at least it wasn't raining.  I responded, "Then we would have literally been "stuck' in traffic".  🤣
We made it to El Rancho mid-afternoon for a bathroom and coffee break.  That lifted our spirits after being stuck in the car.  Plus, Cafe Barista is offering a 2x1 special on cold coffee drinks through the end of the month so that made our stop extra enjoyable.
Once arriving at the hotel in Chiquimula, the boys wasted no time jumping in the pool.  That was the part of the trip they were most looking forward to.  We lived next door to this hotel for four years and got to swim in the pool any time we wanted.  It's always hot there so we could swim year round. It sure made those long, hot days more bearable.
Friday evening sunset view over the mountains of Chiquimula.

the boys in Chiquimula

us in Chiquimula

We had supper at the hotel restaurant.  The boys love getting frozen smoothies.  Their favorite is pineapple coconut.
On Saturday morning we headed up the mountain to make house visits.
I love the mountain views!!!

I also love riding these mountain roads!
Our family in the mountains of Camotan, Chiquimula.  Part of my heart will always be there!

We traveled these roads for years every Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday leading Bible studies.

David and Ben walking to make a home visit in Muyurco. 

The boys visiting in Muyurco.

We led Bible study in this home every Thursday afternoon.  David taught the adults, and I taught the kids. I love this dear sister in Christ that hosted us each week.  It was a joy to return to see her and pray for her in person.
Hiking down the hill in Porto Suelo to make a home visit.

so pretty!

Julio and his family were faithful members of our weekly Bible study.  He led our worship many times.  We were sad to learn that his wife had been in a motorcycle accident just last Monday and was still in great pain.  It was good timing for us to be there to pray for her and encourage them.
This sweet lady heard we were in the area and walked down to find us. Her family was a part of our weekly Bible study group.  Her husband has a back injury, and she wanted us to visit him and pray for him. We walked back to her house with her. 
David praying for this man's back to heal.
visiting in Porto Suelo

visiting in Porto Suelo

Our next stop was at the church plant in Nearar.  We were greeted by many who were waiting to see us. It brought joy to our hearts!  Here are David and Pastor Rafael visiting in the church. We, along with our dedicated U.S. partners, invested many long, hard years into this work and because of God, there is  a church there that continues to grow.  Many times we wanted to give up because we didn't think anything fruitful would ever develop there.  I am glad we pressed on!
Fresh tortillas being made for our lunch meal.

The church surprised us with a meal.  They even had cake.  It gave us a warm "welcome home" feeling.
Ben eating lunch at the church in Nearar.

Ben playing dinosaurs with the pastor's son.

We spent several hours there visiting with everyone.  It was so good to catch up in person and pray over them.  Before leaving we took a few photos with the pastor and his wife.  We love them!

the guys

On the way back to Chiquimula, we drove through the town of Camotan.  We lived there for three years.

We also stopped by to visit the Lubecks.  Mrs. Diana had cake and coffee waiting for us. We had the sweetest fellowship time around the table reminiscing of meals in each others homes and times of doing ministry together.  They were great friends, mentors, and encouragers to us during our years there. We will always miss getting to see them on a regular basis.  They are two of our heroes of the faith.
Saturday evening sunset back in Chiquimula. 

During the weekend we also enjoyed getting to catch up with the Hootens.  They were hosting a mission team in the area and staying at the same hotel. Barry has been the missions pastor at FBC Lake Wales, FL for the past thirty years.  We have known them since our days of living in Chiquimula.  They have huge hearts for missions!  We loved getting to visit with them.  We took this photo on Sunday morning after breakfast.  We were getting ready to make the drive back home, and they were getting ready to head out for another ministry day with their team.
Overall, our weekend trip was fantastic!  We returned home with hearts full of joy and gratitude.  We went to encourage but left feeling like we were the ones who were encouraged the most.  We will always miss the life and ministry we had there, but are thankful for opportunities like this to return and see it still doing well. 

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