Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Intermissions Conference 2025

Every year on the last weekend in February we attend the Intermissions Conference.  It is held at Porta Hotel del Lago overlooking beautiful Lake Atitlan in Panajachel. The conference is designed for English speaking evangelical missionaries living and working in Guatemala. It is a time for worship, fellowship, networking, encouragement, and rest.  We love attending and look forward to it every year.

Our family leaving out on Friday afternoon driving to the lake.

Before checking in, we walked down to the lake to take some photos.

Those are volcanoes in the background.

Our program for the weekend.
Our speaker was Dr. Steve Moore from Portland, Oregon. Worship was led by Avenue Church in Waxahachie, TX.  We had a preschool team from Scottsdale Bible Church in Scottsdale, AZ. Lastly, the children and youth were led by additional members from Avenue Church. 

Our boys loved their youth leaders and said it was one of their favorite conferences ever.  That is always good for a parent to hear.
The conference also provides breakout sessions, counseling sessions, a book exchange, and coffee breaks to catch up with friends or to meet new ones.
Intermissions is special to our family and each one who attends.  We are thankful for this yearly event that fills us up in so many ways. 

Our Friday night coffee and dessert fellowship time included a fire.

The beautiful views on Saturday morning.

Ben headed out to class.

Saturday evening sunset.

During the conference we always have a time to remember those who have passed away in the last year.  We also recognize those who will be leaving the field before the next conference.  This year the Stones were recognized for their nearly forty years of missionary service and prayed over for their upcoming retirement.  Their plan is to retire in early May 2025.  The conference will never be quite the same to us without them.

The kids having fun in the pool.
How many boys can you fit in a hot tub?   Apparently many.  We are thankful for a great group of boys that our boys got to hang out with all weekend long.  What a blessing!
I never take many photos at the conferences.  I always go with big intentions but never end up doing it. We have many wonderful memories though that carry us through the whole year and make us eager for the following year's conference.  
If you serve in Guatemala and have not been attending, make plans now for the 2026 conference.  The dates are February 20-22, 2026.  We would love to see you there!!!

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