Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Cruz Turns 14!!!

 On May 26 Cruz turned 14!  Here is how we celebrated him this year.

dining room decorations

the birthday boy


breakfast pancakes


family photo

Cruz with his dad

Cruz with his mom 

If you know teens, you know they are not very affectionate.  I tried hard to get a photo kissing him on the cheek.  We laughed hard at him trying to avoid it. 
Cruz with his brother

He chose to eat his birthday lunch at Hector's Bistro. 
It is a current family favorite.

Just like his brother, this year he chose to have a birthday pie instead of a birthday cake.

Earlier in the month he had a "birthday party" outing with two of his friends.   They went out for lunch at Pappy's BBQ, had ice cream at Glacy, and then spent some time together walking around our beautiful town.  He especially enjoyed that he got to do all of this on his own without his parents. 

Enjoying an outing with friends to celebrate his birthday.
Here is a look at his birthdays over the years- 
years 1-10
years 11-14
Family birthday photos over the years- 
years 1-7

years 8-14

I love this song and I add it to my blog every year for Cruz's birthday.  I truly wish time would slow down.  But, in the meantime, I'm trying to soak in each and every moment I can!

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