Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Auto Safari Chapin 2019

Last Thursday we made a day trip to the Auto Safari near Esquintla.  We joined two other families and all enjoyed it together.  It was a fun last outing before our Christmas break ended.  It is only about 1.5 hours from Antigua.  It was nice getting to drive there and back home in the same day.  Here are some photos from our time there-

The boys at the entrance checking out the birds while we paid.

These guys were really close to the car. 


The boys especially love getting to lean out the windows and see the animals as we drive through.

The only section where you cannot roll your windows down is in the lion area.

This time we got to feed the giraffes.  That was a first and probably our favorite thing of all.

We attempted a family photo and right before the person took it the giraffe blew on my neck.  It made me very nervous.  

 Take 2- he actually looks like he is smiling.  

On this visit they had three baby lions that you could pet and hold.

 Ben looking at the pythons.  This is about as close as I got.

 headed to the pool

After driving through the safari we all headed to the pool for the rest of the day.  We had lunch there and swam all afternoon.  It was our first time to stay and swim and we all enjoyed it.

Before leaving we walked through the regular zoo and saw more animals.  It was a really fun day trip for everyone.

Here is our family over the years at the Auto Safari.  Our first trip was back in 2007- three years before we even had kids. We had no idea then what fun return trips we would be making there as a family in the future.  I look forward to more trips and memories made there in the years to come.

1 comment:

  1. Great photo share! I love that safari and thank goodness you were in a car - you got really close! WOW! Crazy how fast time goes...the boys look so different but I don't think you or your husband look like you aged at all!!!!


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