Saturday, October 28, 2017

Homeschool Week 10 (2nd and K)

We finished up another week of school yesterday.  Here is an overview of what we covered last week. 

Our Bible lessons focused on God's plans for us and God's protection over us.  We continued our study on Moses about when he was placed into the Nile River as a baby.  We also spent a day looking at the life of Jeremiah.  We began learning two new songs.  Our first one was a chorus "Father We Thank Thee", and the second was a new hymn "Draw Me Nearer".  Our character trait study for the week was on trust.  We read a story about a little girl named Jill who noticed a bird's nest outside her window.  She watched the eggs every day until they finally hatched.  Then one day a terrible storm came and the wind blew the tree all around.  The branches swayed in the wind but the wings of the mother covered the babies so they wouldn't get hurt.  What a beautiful picture of how a mother takes care of her babies and a reminder of how God cares for us, his children, and protects us too.  The boys had to illustrate the story.  Here is what they drew-

Cruz's drawing

Ben's drawing (complete with pink worms coming out of the tree)

Ben began learning place value in math.  This week we focused on the ones and tens place.

using his Math U See blocks to build a number

learning place value

number writing practice

This week in language Ben had the letters O and P.  Each week he has to cut out magazine pictures for the letters we are doing.  Here are his pictures for letter P.

Ben's copy work

Cruz's math lessons were on skip counting by 5's using nickels.  In grammar he began a chapter on verbs.  So far we have covered present tense verbs ending in -s and -es and past tense verbs ending in -ed.

In History we had a fun study of the Vikings.  On the day we learned about the foods they ate we had an activity to make a toy cauldron.  David helped the boys build it. 

Our frame was much bigger than the book suggested but the boys have loved playing with it.  They took it outside and filled the "pot" with acorns and pretended they were cooking them over a fire.  They still have it in their room and have played with it all week.

In Science we began a unit on animals and plants. Our lessons were titled Living Things, Cells, and Animal World.  We had a fun activity on the day we studied cells.  We made a 3-D cell using jello and peaches.  The first represented an animal cell with no cell wall and the other represented a plant cell with a tough cell wall.  The peaches represented the organelles within cells.  The best part was they got to enjoy their delicious science experiment when we were done.  

On our experiment day we made salt dough. 

Cruz measuring the flour. 

Then it was time to mix.  This was the fun part.  Both boys had their own bowls.

Oh how fun!

When their dough was mixed and ready they then took small pieces and formed shapes of their choice.  We baked the shaped in the oven and will later go back and paint them.

In Art we learned that artists outline shapes. Many times artists will first draw an outline of the object they are painting and then go back and fill in the color.  The boys had to do that this week using chalk pastels to draw with.  They had to find a picture of an animal they wanted to draw, outline it first, and then go back and color it.  

Ben doing his art project. 

Both boys chose a different dog to draw.

Ben's artwork

Cruz's artwork

In our read aloud time we began reading a chapter a day from this classic book. 

Lastly, both boys came home from speech therapy with a cute pumpkin they had made.  I have not done a lot of fall crafts with them this year so I was excited to get these. 

It was another great week of learning but I was glad for the weekend to arrive.  I was ready for a two day break to recharge my batteries before we start back again on Monday.

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