Thursday, August 24, 2017

Homeschool Week 2 (2nd and K)

Week 2 was a lot of fun.  We spent the week learning all about Heaven in our Bible class.  We talked about what Heaven will be like, what will be there, and things that will not be there.  Most importantly we talked about what a person has to do in order to spend eternity in Heaven.  It gave me a great chance to share the gospel with my boys.  Pray for their tender little hearts and for me as I daily try to point them to Christ.   Over the next several weeks our memory work is coming from Ephesians 6.  We are learning a verse a week about the armor of God.  What great verses to hide in their hearts.

We did an art activity where they had to draw something about Heaven.  Cruz drew something that will be in Heaven- an angel.  Ben drew something that will not be in Heaven- a train.

Cruz's angel

Ben's train

Their first character trait lesson was on creativity.  For their exercise I gave them some art supplies and they had to create something.

Cruz made a tank and a snowmobile.  Ben made a flower and a boat.

Ben making a number train using flashcards.  He lined them up in order all across the floor.

When Ben is finished with his lessons I have him do some lessons on ABC Mouse as a filler while I work with Cruz.  I do a lesson builder and specifically pick activities that go along with what he is learning that day.  He thinks it is all fun but it is great review. I do the same with Cruz using Explode the Code online.  He does a few lessons while I work with Ben.

It made me smile to look over and see this on Cruz's grammar worksheet.  That boys loves his mama!

As an additional phonics review I have him work with his Smart Tray by Junior Learning.  I have a few different games that go with it.  Both boys enjoy using it.

Playing a phonics sounds memory card game.

Monday thru Thursday he has a scheduled reading assignment from our Sonlight curriculum.  Friday is free reading day.  He gets to choose his own book to read.  This week he chose a Nemo book.

In History we continued our study of the first people.  We talked about some of the forms of transportation that they made.  One of their activities was to make a model coracle.  We used pipe cleaners, a plastic bag, and some tape. 

Cruz using pipe cleaners to form his boat.  When formed we covered it with plastic and taped down the sides. 

Ben thought his looked better on his head.

One of our finished boats.  We made three in all.

That boy is a mess!

Two boats ready for the tub.

They float!

We also made a little man to put in the boat.

Another thing we learned about is how the people farmed and collected food.  We talked about some of the foods they grew and compared it to some of the foods that farmers grow today.  We took a field trip to the local farmers market to look at some of the local grown crops.  I challenged the boys to each pick out one thing they would like to taste.  It was for educational purposes but also to try to get them to try new foods.  Ben chose muscadines and Cruz chose a yellow apple.  I didn't realize that he has never eaten a yellow apple only red and green ones.  One of the workers also gave them a few boiled peanuts to try.  It was a fun outing.

field trip to the farmer's market

we went around and named all of the fruits and vegetables

Ben trying a muscadine. The workers showed him how to peel and eat them.

Some of the yummy things we came home with.

We began a study of Egypt and Cruz was very excited.  One of the first things we studied was hieroglyphics.

their names

I printed off their names and we glued them to their speech therapy folders.  They are both attending speech therapy one day a week. 

In Science we continued our study of weather.  
Here they are watching a science video on storms.  We saw a clip on tsunamis and then ended up spending about 30 extra minutes just watching tsunami videos.  They were fascinated.

Cruz doing a science worksheet about rainbows.

One of our experiments was making a rainbow.  We used a pan of water, a mirror, and a white sheet of paper.

shining the reflection on the paper to make a rainbow

the colors were very pretty

We do our art lesson on Fridays.  On Week 2 we learned that artists imagine.  We looked at and discussed  a piece of art about a birthday celebration.  Our activity was to think about a time we enjoyed and then paint it. 

art lesson

While they worked I read our read aloud chapter from The Boxcar Children.

Cruz drew himself watching the tree company remove the branch that fell on our house.

Ben drew a picture of the beach in Mexico with his friend Jacob that he met there on our recent trip.

When you add in a little spelling and handwriting it makes for a full week.  They just keep getting more and more fun.

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