Thursday, November 6, 2014

School Field Trip 2014

I'm finally getting around to posting about Cruz's school field trip he took last month.  It was an all day trip.  We met at the school at 7:00 a.m. and didn't return until 6:00 p.m.  I took tons of photos (as you can imagine) and I just haven't sat down to see which ones to use on this post.  Every time I would sit down to do it I would tell myself "ugh, that's just too much work"  and I'd end up putting it off.  ha  But, I got around to it so here it is-

We left his school in Jocotan and drove straight to McDonald's in Chiquimula for breakfast.  It's about 40 minutes away.  At the last minute the school had decided to combine two field trips into one so that meant we had the preschool, kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd graders with us.  That also meant we needed more transportation, that wasn't provided.  We ended up with around 60 people- 40 kids and 20 adults.  We had two vehicles.  I was on a 15 passenger van with 26 others.  We had 9 adults and 17 kids packed in there together.  Did I mention it was in the 90's that day?  It was a long day for me, for sure.

Cruz at McDonald's in Chiquimula on his school field trip

After ordering breakfast the kids were divided into groups and dressed in hats and aprons for a behind the scenes tour of the kitchen.  They took their tours while we waited on our food.  Here are Cruz and his friend Joselyn all dressed up and ready to go.

How cute are these little ones!!!

Here they are chilling in the cooler.  They also got to go inside the freezer, store rooms, and break room.  They learned how the drive-through works and got to watch some food being made.  Just about every detail of operation was explained to the kids.  They loved it!

We left there and drove to the Museum of Paleontology, Archeology, and Geology in Estanzuela, Guatemala.  Here's the school director, Mrs. Jane, giving everyone instructions.  We call this place "the dinosaur museum" because they have lots of dinosaur exhibits there. 

Cruz and his buddy Jason

inside the museum

I LOVE the reaction on these boys faces when they first saw the tall dinosaurs.  They were amazed!

me and Cruz at the dinosaur museum

Our next excursion was a visit to the zoo in Zacapa.  Here are Cruz and his teacher, Miss Milvia, after we arrived there.

Some of the boys petting the donkey.  "If you do it, I'll do it" they said.

Cruz loved the lion!

My least favorite part, with the exception of the HUGE python they had, was several of these large iguanas that were just hanging out in the trees overhead.   They were everywhere.   yikes!

Here's a short video of one of them

The kids got to play on the playground a while before we left.

Here's my little daredevil giving me a heart attack.

 a group photo before we left the zoo of most everyone on our trip

Our last stop of the day was back in Chiquimula at Domino's Pizza.  We began our time there with the workers coming out and entertaining the kids.  They played games with them.  They sang songs.  They gave out prizes and candy.  It was a lot of fun and definitely not something I was expecting them to do.  They did a wonderful job and the kids loved it.

Afterwards they dressed the kids in aprons and hair nets to tour the kitchen and make their own pizzas.  Two "costumes" in one day made my little boy very happy. 

Here is Cruz with his buds Carlos and Jason dressed up at Domino's.

Cruz was the first one in line and got to go first.  Here he is washing his hands.

Cruz with one of the Domino's Pizza workers. 

Making his pizza crust.

After they made their crust they went down the assembly line and got to pick what they wanted on their pizza.  Cruz loves helping me in the kitchen so you can imagine that this made him very happy.  Every kid got a chance to make their own pizza and tour the kitchen.

Cruz being held by one of the workers and watching his pizza come out of the oven.  How fun!!!

Cruz and his field trip crew

It was a long day but it sure was fun.  All of the kids had a blast so that really is all that matters.

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