Friday night we walked down the block and watched the processional pass by. This is the same alfombra we had watched them make ALL day.

This is a photo of an ice cream vendor that passed by selling.

They carry two floats. First the men pass by carrying a float with Jesus and later the women pass by carrying a float with Mary. There were several hundred men, women, and children dressed in purple robes and black clothing that pass by before hand to pave the way for the floats.

In this photo you can see the men's float coming. It is very smoky because they wave burning incense in front of the float. The smell is awful!!! We have smelled it all week and are looking forward to this season passing so the aroma will as well.
I took a video of both floats and will post them in a separate post. It took about 90 men to carry this float.

After the float there is always a band that follows it and plays the most depressing sounding music you could hear.

All that hard work, and the alfombra is just trampled on.

The ladies will typically wear all black. Some will have a white head covering and some will have a black head covering. Most will carry candles.

This group of ladies wore these pretty purple shawls over their black.

The ladies float.
There were around 55 women carrying this float.

I love these photos of the women's feet. Some wore flats, some wore hills, and some went bare footed. They walked for several miles all over town. I know their feet and shoulders are tired!

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