We spent the middle portion of the day out and about walking around our town. We love getting out and walking around. You can see and notice soo much more by doing that. We found some really great deals while we were out. We tried out a new taco place that just opened. They advertise 3 tacos for Q10. David likes the chicken ones though and they were 3 x Q15. That's still less than $2.00. We visited a few dollar stores and bought some household items. I bought a really cute shirt for 65 cents at a second hand store. We bought some fresh flowers to put in the house from some street vendors. And, we got a great price on a new hotel we scouted for our upcoming team. The best part was that we got some great exercise while doing it!
I took my camera and intended on taking random photos around town but did not take any. I am posting a few photos I took yesterday in our town that shows a lot of progress for our area. They have recently been adding RED LIGHTS all over town. Now that might not mean much to the average person but for those of us who live here and for those who have lived here in the past, that is BIG. It is soo strange to see them now, and is quite a change. It just makes the whole place seem more "city like" rather than small town. I'm not so sure we like it.

red lights...hmm wonder how well the residents there will abide by them (the ones in xela never did so well!) I always love reading y'alls updates. they truly make me miss guatemala, and as always y'all and your work is in my prayers.