This is a photo of the churches parsonage where we lived for 7 years before moving to Guatemala. You could sit our apartment where we live now inside of that house. It was big. We spoke, did a video presentation, and David preached. After the service we had a receiving line for everyone to come by and greet us. It was like a homecoming/ family reunion.You will notice in the above photo all the flags along the balcony. Each represents a different missionary that our church supports. Ours is the second flag from the left. We are proud to come from such a mission minded/ mission supporting church.
This is our pastor, Bro. Clark Stewart and his wife Pam Chet and Mary Catherine Bryant
Reagan, Malinda, & Sara Madalin
Jackie, Nickey, & Rickey
Holly & Dallas
Sara Madalin
That sure is a pretty little girl you're holding. She's going to miss her Aunt Gina when you're gone.