Friday, August 31, 2012

Can You Hear Me Now?

As most of you already know, we made another trip into Guatemala City this week to have Ben's hearing checked.  We had started to notice lately that he was not responding to voices, sounds, and noises.  We began purposefully doing things to try to get a response out of him and the majority of the time we got nothing.  We could clap really loud behind his head and he would not even blink. He would not turn his head to our voices, or loud noises.  We did not necessarily think he was completely deaf, but we surely did not think he was hearing well.  We discussed it with his pediatrician at his four month check-up last Friday.  He did some random testing in his office and Ben never acknowledged anything he did.  He referred us to a specialist to have some advanced tests done.  We had that appointment on Wednesday. 

Other than his hearing Ben seemed right on track as far as developing and milestones for his age.  There was nothing else that we consider to be abnormal.  He just was not responding as he should be to sounds. 

At Wednesday's appointment they did three tests on him and he passed all three.  His hearing scored normal.  His brain is processing the sounds even if his body is not showing it.  The only explanation they could give us was that he must just be a calm, laid back baby and loud noises do not affect him.  They said to just keep a check on him and continue to do things to see if he responds.  If at any time we felt he needed to be checked again to bring him in. 

We had the results sent to our pediatrician and after reviewing them he called us.  There was nothing else he felt we needed to do at this time, but wait and see how he does.  Ben will see him again at six months.

It has been a very emotional process for us.  I will admit that at times I felt the ground beneath me was starting to crumble.  Your whole world is shaky and you question everything.  I had a lot of what if's, what was, and what will be's.  I googled everything I could about it, and did feel much better after reading up on it.  I cried, I talked to friends and family, and I cried some more.  We had many, many people praying for us and those prayers have been what carried us through the last few days.  We also believe with all of our hearts that God answered those prayers, and Ben is going to be just fine. We are rejoicing and giving God all the credit.   He is good all the time.  All the time He is good!

Our precious little Ben before we left for the doctor.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11

1 comment:

  1. I can imagine your concerns! How scary! But is so great that God answered your prayers!


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