Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy Birth Day, Cruz

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Prepped and ready to go

 I am sure we were saying, "CAN YOU BELIEVE WE ARE HAVING A BABY!!!" 

You can't really tell it here, but I cried the whole time.  I was just SOO excited that all I could do was cry.  David gave our camera to one of the nurses so he could wipe my tears. 

 getting ready to pull him out

our big boy!

 David cutting off the rest of the cord with the help of our Pediatrician 

 the first time I saw him.  Boy I shed a lot of tears in that moment!!!
 what a perfect gift from God!


  1. Congratulations on your new baby! Stopping in from SITS! Have a great Tuesday!

  2. The photos are awesome!!! Cruz is already almost a week old... wow! Jimmy thinks he looks like David from these pics. Hope you are doing great. Do you have family with you? Hope the nursing is going good. I had lactation consultants to help me, but I think it sort of made me think there was only one right way to go about it at first, and there isn't. Hope you get to skip the blisters lol! I know you don't have time to respond, nor should you, you should enjoy every second with that little man!!!

  3. Felicidades!!!! Such a blessing, Cruz for you, and you for him. May God raise him to be a mighty man of God one day.
    Much love and prayers,
    Leanne Treme

  4. Beautiful pictures from his birth day.

  5. Beautiful pictures. God bless you guys. Dios es bueno ♥


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