Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Week 15

The fetal crown-to-rump length by this week of pregnancy is 4 to 4 1/2 inches.  The fetus weighs about 1 3/4 ounces.  It's close to the size of a softball.  Many of it's major organ systems are increasing in capacity—particularly it's tiny heart and complex circulation system, which is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood per day, and will increase to around 200 quarts per day by the end of the pregnancy.  The baby’s skin has been continuously developing, and it is so thin and translucent that you can see the blood vessels through it. Hair growth continues on the eyebrows and the head. It's ears are almost in position now, although they are still set a bit low on the head.  Internally, the baby's skeletal system continues to develop. Muscle development continues too, and the baby is making lots of movements with his or her head, mouth, arms, wrists, hands, legs, and feet.  I should be feeling those movements soon!!


I had a check-up today so I delayed this post until after I saw the doctor.  The appointment went well.  We heard the heartbeat which is one of our most favorite sounds of all these days!!  I just tear up every time we hear it!  It was actually funny because at first the doctor couldn't find it and he was moving the machine all over my belly because the baby was moving SOO much!  He even asked if I was sure I haven't felt it because the baby was soo active.  I just know that I better enjoy my last few weeks before I do start feeling it, because I think we are going to have a wild one on our hands!  ha   I have gained 3 pounds this month!  I guess it's a good thing I was sick and missed Thanksgiving.   I am feeling really good and am eating well.  I can eat just about anything I want but I really crave fried catfish.  I have also been enjoying chocolate ice cream and I love orange gatorade.  It won't be long until we find out if Baby White is a boy or a girl.  We are very anxious to know!  I added a poll on our blog so be sure and vote what you think it is.   We'll know soon....


  1. Your belly is growing so fast! I can't wait to find out if it is a boy or girl!

  2. Dropping by from SITS. Congrats on your pregnancy. I only have a few weeks to go until my due date. What a special time!

  3. With your chocolaate craving I would have said girl, but the fried catfish craving makes me think boy! Glad to know you are feeling good.


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