Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Recent Find

"But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful." Psalm 68:3
One of the things we miss here is Dr. Pepper. You can buy several Pepsi products but Dr. Pepper is a rare find. There is a warehouse store in Guatemala City called PriceSmart that sells it. This store is similar to a Sam's Club. They sell a lot of American products. The bad thing is the price is almost $12.00 for a 12 pack! We have purchased this once since arriving. It was for Regina's birthday this year (she loved her present).
There are several gas stations between Guatemala City and Coban. We recently stopped at one that's about half way between the two cities. We were very happy to see that they sold Dr. Pepper. The price there is Q9.50. That's about $1.25 a can. That's pricey but it's a special treat we buy only when we go into the city and stop at that store. It sure makes those 4 hour trips not so bad when you can enjoy something you like along the way.


  1. More importantly I see that they sell Mt Dew there!!!

  2. dr. pepper is a treat here too (though a little easier to come by), but cherry coke????? we have NEVER found that! how exciting!


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