Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Eatin' Like A Big Boy

As if our lives weren't busy enough right now, we started Cruz on solid's over the weekend.  He'll be six months old on Friday (gasp!!!) and he was ready.  I am glad we were able to make it six months before starting.  We really wanted to get settled first before we changed his eating habits. 
getting ready for his first bite

One Christmas right after we got married my mother-in-law gave me a Veggie Tales place setting for kids.  I have always loved Veggie Tale's and I loved this gift.  I put it up to use for my child one day not really knowing just how many years it would stay in storage.  I am now happily using part of it to feed Cruz.  Thanks Memaw!

Like all kids, I started him on rice cereal.  I have since added some bananas to it.  He likes the bananas okay, but seems to just prefer the plain cereal best. 
We have enjoyed feeding him.  It's been fun for us to watch his reactions.  I hope he will be just as good a eater as he is a nurser.  Speaking of nursing, I have to admit that giving him "other food" was a little sad for me.  For the past six months I have been the only source of food he has had.  He has never even had a bottle in his mouth.  I have been proud of my big, healthy boy and feel I have had a great part in that.  I love nursing him and hope to continue until he is at least a year old.  These milestone's are exciting and fun but bittersweet at the same time.
This is a face we are seeing often.  He loves to suck on his bottom lip.

Here's a little video of his first feeding. Enjoy!

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