Monday, January 25, 2010

Promoting Missions

On Saturday we attended a ladies luncheon at First Baptist, Crystal Springs.  The ladies there did a great job of putting the program together.  They served a wonderful meal and the fellowship hall was beautifully decorated.

They had tables set up labeled with the months of the year.  Each table was decorated to resemble the theme of that month.  I was seated at the October table and it was decorated in pretty fall colors.

I was the guest speaker and did my best to share about our work in Guatemala as well as our call to missions

They had GA's there to serve the meal.

There were also a few youth girls.

Kaylie and Robin (David's niece and sister)

Kaylie and I.  She modeled a typical K'ekchi' ladies dress

It was a great day of sharing and fellowship with the ladies there!!

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